How to Cope with a Bad Mood While Traveling

How to Cope With a Bad Mood While Traveling

Last updated on October 4th, 2021

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It is finally time to take that trip you’ve been planning for months! You’ve been daydreaming every day. Everything is packed and ready to go, but… during the trip you aren’t feeling, how should we say, in the best spirits. And we all know a negative attitude can ruin a holiday in no time. So today, I’m going to share six excellent tips on how to cope with a bad mood while traveling. 

Acknowledge Your Feelings

This might be the most crucial step on the list. The only way to get out of that funk you’re in is to acknowledge that you’re in a bad mood. Which sometimes can be very difficult. I mean, you’ve been excited about this trip for months! So how could you possibly be in a bad mood right now? But it’s ok and even natural to experience these ‘negative’ emotions sometimes.

So, instead of beating yourself up about feeling the way you do, release the guilt and embrace the feeling.  While our emotions are not always telling us the whole truth, they alert us of something that’s bothering us. And you owe it to yourself to figure out what that is. Once you acknowledge your feelings, you’re one step closer to getting over that bad mood. 


Something else I suggest is journaling, which will help you understand more about why you’re in such a bad mood. And the best way to get out of your head is to put everything down on paper. This way, you can get a closer and more accurate reading of what’s going on with you. And once you know the why, you can begin to strategize how you’re going to get out of the funk you’ve slumped into. So give these journaling prompts a go the next time you get into a bad mood while traveling. 

  1. Describe your day/talk about what’s bothering you. 
  2. Create a brain dump. 
  3. Write about your happiest memory. 
  4. What are three good things that happened today?
  5. Create a list of activities that can make you feel better on a bad day. 
  6. What have you been taking for granted lately?

Talk to Someone

Have you ever felt better after venting to a friend? You go into the conversation feeling tense & upset and leave with more clarity & a sense of calm. Even if your friend disagrees with you, it feels much better to share with someone than to keep it bottled in. So, if you find yourself upset, call someone to vent (but make sure they’re ready to listen first!). 

Mindfulness & Gratitude

Practice Mindfulness & Gratitude 

Sometimes the only way to get out of a bad mood is to shift your perspective. Through practicing mindfulness and gratitude, you can turn your reality into something entirely different. I know what you’re thinking; how in the world can this make me feel better? But it’s true: life is about perspective. And you have the power to make your reality anything you want. Sometimes it’s just a matter of changing the lenses you use to see the world. 

So, how do you practice mindfulness and gratitude? It’s simpler than you think. 

To practice mindfulness, all you need is yourself, a timer (I always use the timer on my phone), and at least 10 minutes where you won’t be disturbed. Next, find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Then, begin to take slow deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. As you’re doing this, notice your body and how you’re feeling in this current moment. Most likely, your mind will wander as you do this, especially if you’re new to this. And that’s ok, just bring your attention back to your breath. Allow your thoughts to pass without engaging or judging; notice them as they pass. Continue this until your 10 minutes are up. That’s it! 

You really don’t need anything but yourself to practice gratitude, but sometimes it’s nice to write it down. So grab a journal if you would like to write your list down. But essentially, the practice of gratitude is just taking a moment to acknowledge and appreciate everything you are grateful for. Even if you are having the worst day ever, you can find something to be thankful for. Incorporating this daily will naturally allow you to see the good in everything, which will make it much easier to get out of that lousy mood while traveling.

Ensure That You’re Properly Caring for Yourself

Are you eating enough? Hydrated? Or are you in need of some sleep? Sometimes when we’re feeling cranky, it usually has to do with us not properly tending to ourselves. And understandably, taking care of yourself can be super challenging when you’re constantly on the go. For this sole reason, I’m a huge advocate for scheduling rest while traveling (and in your everyday life as well)! You’d be surprised how much of an effect the lack of sleep, food, or water, can have on your mood. 

So, make sure you are setting time outside of sightseeing and exploring to give yourself the proper attention you need. This means getting plenty of sleep, drinking an adequate amount of water, and eating healthy meals to sustain your energy throughout the journey. 

Bad Mood While Traveling

Do Something You Enjoy

As obvious as this following tip sounds, it can be challenging to think about in the moment. But when you’re in a bad mood, it’s time to do something you enjoy to release some steam or destress. Even if you’re not in a bad mood right now, it’s a good idea to have a list of activities that make you feel good on hand. Because as we all know, bad days don’t consider our schedule, and they often come when you least expect them. It’s much better to be proactive instead of reactive. 

So, in a journal or on your phone, make a list of all the activities you can rely on to uplift your mood. 

Unfortunately, bad days are almost a guarantee, BUT once you try out these tips, those bad days won’t seem nearly as daunting. And remember, it’s imperative to acknowledge how you feel to take care of yourself properly. Add these tips to your arsenal for the next time you’re in a bad mood while traveling & let me know in the comments below which worked best for you. 
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How to Cope with a Bad Mood While Traveling

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